5 Advanced Tasks for Executive Assistants

Picture of Ryan Cassin

Ryan Cassin

So your Executive Assistant is doing a great job handling the standard EA tasks like managing your inbox, schedule, and to-do list, but they are capable of doing even more.  Here are 5 advanced tasks for Executive Assistants:

Project management

As your liaison, your assistant can be a project manager in your place. As the visionary leader of your company, your time is best spend on generating new ideas and creating vision for the future.

If you spend most of your time on tedious project management, you will find yourself caught up in the “now” with little time to discover future opportunities and threats.  As you implement new ideas and tasks, your assistant can:

  • Identify delegable tasks
  • Find the best person for the job
  • Provide instructions
  • Monitor delegates’ progress
  • Deliver important updates to you
Oversee internal resources and culture

As the leader of your company, you should be the champion of culture; a healthy company is built on its healthy culture. But your position is to exemplify and promote that culture, not to create company culture resources.

Your assistant can help develop, strengthen, and maintain company culture by:

  • Facilitating conversations in employee forums
  • Creating and auditing company resources like how-to’s and policy manuals
  • Holding and organizing events for the company
  • Researching and implementing new culture-strengthening policies and activities at your company
Optimize workflows 

Your assistant can document processes and procedures for you and your company. This allows you to identify inefficiencies and redundancies in your operations.

Once you have documented your processes, your assistant can use these as tools for streamlining delegation and handling hand-offs when employees transition in and out of roles.

Do something new

What are those new ideas, initiatives, and tasks that have been sitting on the “someday maybe” or “I should get that done” list? Your assistant could be the one to finally get those things done.

These are the perfect tasks you can delegate to your assistant when you feel there is nothing else to do.


These 5 advanced tasks for Executive Assistants can be instrumental in helping you achieve New Levels of Freedom and Growth.

Got a few more? Let us know what other high-value tasks you would include on this list.

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