virtual Executive Assistant

What is a Virtual Executive Assistant?

Picture of Ryan Cassin

Ryan Cassin

virtual Executive Assistant


What is a virtual Executive Assistant? General definition.


A virtual Executive Assistant provides support to an entrepreneur, business owner, or executive.  They are “virtual” because they work remotely, not in-office. 

They handle administrative tasks including scheduling, inbox management, and correspondence with clients.

Typically, they are fully dedicated to a specific executive or executive team.  In many cases, they provide all-around support to keep their entrepreneur/executive on top of their work responsibilities.


What is a virtual Executive Assistant? Not a virtual assistant.


Virtual Executive Assistants are proactive, virtual assistants are reactive. 

Standard virtual assistants check off a to-do list and call it a day, but a virtual EA tackles your to-do list and then looks around for “what’s next.”  They are fully dedicated to your business and take a proactive role in getting things done, even before you ask.

virtual assistant sees a to-do list What is a virtual Executive Assistant, they manage your busienss

Five Key Advantages Your EA Has Over a VA

  1. EAs are highly adaptable.
  • They take on new challenges and respond to unexpected situations without constantly requiring your input on the next steps.
  1. EAs anticipate you.
  • While a VA focuses on individual tasks as they receive them, an EA sees around the corner. They know how to fully prepare you in advance and eliminate issues before they get out of hand.  VAs are reactive – EAs are proactive.
  1. EAs act as your coordinator.
  • They organize the people on your team or your direct reports to operate smoothly together without you constantly keeping “a hand on the wheel.”  They help you maintain efficient communication with your team.
  1. EAs proactively clear the way.
  • Their Unique Ability helps keep you in your Unique Ability – the skills and tasks that you excel at and love.  EAs remove from your plate tasks that aren’t the highest value or best use of your time, either by handling the tasks themselves or reassigning them to another team member.
  1. EAs understand you.


What is a virtual Executive Assistant? As a personal assistant.


A virtual EA can often take on the role of a personal assistant.  If you are an entrepreneur looking to hire a virtual Executive Assistant, consider how your assistant can help you in your personal life in addition to your professional life.

Some virtual EAs are trained to help their entrepreneurs maintain a healthy work-life balance.  Our Superpowers Assistants, for example, schedule vacations, handle gift purchases, and help you remain engaged in your personal life.

They also help schedule and protect time for yourself and with family.  Finally, they are trained to identify and combat burnout, so you can keep moving and growing your business, protected from the threat of running out of steam.


What is a virtual Executive Assistant? At Superpowers.


All of our Superpowers Assistants are virtual Executive Assistants, but what makes them stand out from other virtual EAs?

Our Superpowers Curriculum, Coaching, and Community provide our assistants with a distinct advantage over their counterparts.  When you work with Superpowers, you gain more than an assistant!  Each of our assistants receives unrivaled training and support that equips them to perform at the top of their field.


We know you are busy, and you may not have to provide up-to-date training to your assistant.  We can handle it for you!  

Training assistants is our expertise.  Our training intensives, masterclasses, continuing education resources, playbooks, and learning events equip your assistant to exceed your expectations.

These resources are updated to provide a full array of training that is uniquely tailored to equip your assistant for navigating current demands in their industry. 


Our one-on-one coaching accelerates your assistant’s growth by providing personalized accountability, correction, and mentorship.

Training Industry Quarterly article reported that 75 percent of employers believe it takes between 1 and 2 years for new employees to reach full productivity – and we know the learning curve for an assistant is steep.

Fortunately, our coaches accelerate your assistant’s growth by providing continued support and mentorship.

What might have taken years to build alone takes just a few months with Superpowers Coaching!


Your assistant doesn’t have to do it alone. We provide a community for sharing ideas, best practices, and problem-solving techniques among top-performing EAs.

We find assistants often need an answer to a question in a pinch.  Maybe they need a recommendation for a reliable contractor, a formula for conducting discovery calls, or help navigating a new software program.

With the collective experience of our top-performing assistants, the answer to your assistant’s question is often just one channel message away!




What is a virtual Executive Assistant?  We hope this helped you answer that question!

Any further questions about hiring or working with an EA? We are happy to answer your questions and help you work through the process!

Book a discovery call today! It’s a short 30-minute conversation that allows you to ask questions, design your ideal assistant, and learn best practices for finding an assistant.


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