Find Freedom as an Entrepreneur

How I am Finding Freedom as an Entrepreneur

Picture of Ryan Cassin

Ryan Cassin

Find Freedom as an Entrepreneur

Where are the palm trees at?

When the typical entrepreneur starts their journey, they often dream of “living in the palm trees” one day- some version of future success that includes more Freedom, both personally and professionally, from the sacrifices they willingly make early on.

The problem for many of us growth-minded entrepreneurs is that if we aren’t careful, those palm trees can end up as a mirage in the desert, continually moving away on the horizon instead of shading us on the beach.

If I can just get past “this phase” of the business, to the “next level,” through that “next ceiling” THEN I can enjoy some of that Freedom!

Ever said any of these things?  I have!

So how does one maintain the balance of expanding Freedom without sacrificing Growth?

Invest in yourself – get a quality assistant who can help! 

Every day, through the ups and downs, my assistant is there, keeping my vision on track and shouldering challenges with me as a partner.


What’s a Typical Day Look Like?


For me, a typical day starts with my usual morning rituals – quiet time in prayer and journaling, a workout, and a quick, healthy breakfast. Healthy morning habits bring energy and purpose to your day.

Then, it’s time to hit the ground running. I check the schedule, briefs, and updates prepared by my assistant — she maximizes my focus and keeps me on track based on our weekly planning sessions around long and short-term personal/professional goals.

Client and team member meetings, recruiting new collaborative partners, attracting crucial talent, coaching, creative problem solving, innovation, and focused work on strategic projects all consume my workdays.


How My Assistant Helps Me in a Day


My assistant is a crucial key to my success. She helps me stay organized; a lot of things grab my attention (squirrel!), and she helps me prioritize my activities.

She shoulders logistical concerns like reaching out to important clients, confirming appointments, and making sure that I have everything I need.  This includes time to THINK and prepare in advance.

I enter each meeting confident because I know everything is being taken care of.

Freed from the burden of administrative tasks, I am PRESENT and able to focus on building relationships and listening deeply. When I can fully engage, I understand and make more sound business decisions.

All throughout the day, my assistant prepares briefs, writes reports, and provides me with updates so I can stay on top of things.

She facilitates communication by connecting me with clients. I simply pick up the phone or jump on Zoom at the right time and handle business.  If there are any follow-ups or action items, she either completes them, schedules time for them, or helps me set them into motion with the team.

At the end of the day, she and I catch up on conversations and follow-ups I missed. We close out the day by evaluating our progress and planning for tomorrow.


Finding Balance


Being an entrepreneur requires a balance between one’s professional and personal life. Many entrepreneurs struggle with finding balance. We manage our businesses, but are we managing our health and wellness?

From personal experience, I can say having an assistant makes life easier and alleviates stress from work. Even personal things like dental appointments, small purchases, or dinner reservations are all handled by my assistant.

This way, I can use more of my time to be energized, innovative, and prepared for what’s ahead. 

Personally, I refuse to give my best only to the business. My faith, my health, my marriage, my family, and my friends will all remain valuable long after the business.

And thanks to the help of my assistant, I don’t have to worry about missing “the important things” even when I am swamped with demands from the office.

It is important to take time to take care of oneself – be an entrepreneur not only in your business but in your life! I challenge you to take time for the things that matter. Allow yourself to be prepared and excited for what’s ahead!

The life of an entrepreneur is hard. No doubt. But it is rewarding, and with a little help, it can be a lot easier.  I hope to see you on YOUR beach soon!

Are you like me? Can a personal assistant make your life easier? Schedule a Discovery Call today!

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