Entrepreneur Check-ins

How Client Check-ins Provide Value

Picture of Ryan Cassin

Ryan Cassin

Entrepreneur Check-ins

Momentum accelerates success!  And accelerates failure.

As entrepreneurs, we value efficiency. We chase after our goals and love seeing results. That’s how we get things done.

However, positive momentum requires intentional guidance. 


The Momentum Question

Superpowers is a company by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, so we match that same high-speed energy.

Our Superpowers Assistants get things done. They hit the ground running and make quick progress.

Nonetheless, we understand each client has their own unique needs and criteria for success.

So starting from week one, our highest-priority question is:

Is our momentum going in the right direction? 


So how do we ensure we are staying on track?

The answer: client check-ins.

Superpowers Client Check-ins


We have implemented 30, 60, and 90-day check-ins with our clients.

These are short conversations, usually 30 minutes.

Check-ins provide 3 powerful benefits:

1. They provide a space specifically designed for the entrepreneur to give adjusting feedback


You are busy balancing numerous complex relationships. Check-ins create a time and a place specifically dedicated to your relationship with your assistant.

This makes it easier for you to narrow your focus and identify the ups and downs of this specific relationship.

Also, check-ins are specifically intended for discussing corrections and concerns, so this expectation creates a safe space for bringing up issues and initiating difficult conversations.


2. They allow for continued idea exchange.


Fresh ideas and vision come through collaborative discussion. The free dialogue during these periodic check-ins often sparks discoveries that we would not have otherwise found.


3. They help us both minimize our blindspots.


When we initiate your journey with your Superpowers Assistant, we make every effort to put the correct plan into motion.

However, the details of your vision will inevitably change. Periodic check-ins allow us to identify and hear what’s working and what is not. Hearing directly from you removes the guesswork.

Entrepreneur/Assistant relationships are our specialty. Our check-ins feature guided questions that help us identify problems – and potential winning strategies – you may not have perceived yourself.

Help Us Help You


We are here for you. Our purpose is to help you reach your goals for freedom and growth in your life. Check-ins are the most powerful tool we have for remaining true to your vision and direction. Help us help you reach your goals.


See you soon at your next check-in! Let’s make it count!


What can we do to make check-ins worth your time?  Feel free to leave a comment below.

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