entrepreneur thinks about the best way to hire an assistant

Are You Missing Out on Your Ideal Assistant?

Picture of Ryan Cassin

Ryan Cassin

entrepreneur thinks about the best way to hire an assistant

Finding your ideal assistant – For the longest time, leaders have worked alongside their in-office assistants, checking off to-do lists, building new initiatives, and growing their businesses.

The best of these assistants fully embrace partnership.  They understand you fully.  They anticipate your wants and needs, identify and address your problematic habits, and protect you from distractions so you can focus on what you need to do.

Honestly, it’s not easy to find that ideal assistant.  They must have your ideal skill set, personality, work style, and values:

  • Skill set: Do they have the practical skills to do what needs to be done to reach your goals?
  • Personality: You work closely with your assistant.  Do they have a personality that matches well with yours? Are your communication styles compatible?  They must understand how you think, balance out your weaker points, and effectively represent you in decisions and communications.
  • Work style:  If their work style is incompatible with yours, you will both experience frustrations and inefficiency in your working relationship.  Are they able to understand what you do, how you do it, and why you do it?
  • Values: Do they have compatible values?  You have core principles that guide your decision-making and workflow, but not everyone has compatible values.  Your assistant must have a set of values that matches/complements yours well.

Finding an ideal assistant can be challenging within the limited pool of your local market.  Sometimes, it may be impossible.


Finding the Solution Online


Fortunately, times are changing.  There is a much larger pool of talent available to you.  Where?  On the internet!  The pandemic has accelerated a shift toward remote work in the business world.

According to an Owl Labs report, 44% of companies worldwide did not allow remote work before the pandemic.

However, a recent survey by Gartner found 74% of CFOs anticipated keeping at least some of their team remote after the pandemic.

Many organizational leaders seem to have discovered that it’s working for them and their teams.  Leaders are seeing a new way to do business. And it’s an efficient one!

For example, a large conglomerate of companies including Best Buy, Dow Chemicals, and British Telecom reported that their employees have been 35-40% more productive while working remotely.  

So the pandemic has shown that staffing remotely is a viable option.   And we know the pool of talent is much larger online, but we’ve still got a problem: How do you sort through the masses to find that ideal virtual Executive Assistant?


The Easy Button


Our founders, Ryan and Steven are serial entrepreneurs. They founded Superpowers in response to a need they and their fellow entrepreneurs were feeling:

“I know a high-performing assistant would help me and my business, but I don’t have the time and energy to invest in finding one.”

Ryan and Steven set to work identifying the essential qualities of a strong assistant-entrepreneur relationship and then developed a system for creating those ideal matches between assistants and entrepreneurs.

Seeing an opportunity, they turned it into the business Superpowers!

How it works: 

  1. Learn your needs: We sit down with you to identify your specific needs, wants, goals, and values.
  2. Learn about you: We have you work through a few short, but reputable and comprehensive assessments like a Predictive Index test.  These help us understand your personality and work style.
  3. Find your assistant: Equipped with our knowledge of your needs, we filter through thousands of applicants to find your ideal partner.
  4. Get your approval: We bring them to you for an initial meeting and approval.
  5. Handle onboarding: We bring them onto our payroll and handle the entire onboarding process – you don’t need to do a thing.  You just send us a payment each month.
  6. Upfront training: Before their day one with you, we equip take them through a week of rigorous training.
  7. Continued support: We continue to provide unrivaled support through our unique-to-industry Curriculum, Coaching, and Community.




And that’s it!  We handle every step for you.  In no time, you will have a fully-equipped virtual Executive Assistant who fits your vision, values, and personality.

Interested in learning more about this process? We’re happy to help! Schedule a 30-minute discovery call, and we’ll talk it through. It’s a low-pressure conversation about you, your needs, and what an Executive Assistant can do for you.

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