Man conducts a discovery call

How to Conduct a Discovery Call that Gets Results

Picture of Ryan Cassin

Ryan Cassin

Man conducts a discovery call

Superpowers DEEPDIVE how to conduct a discovery call

First impressions are lasting impressions. A discovery call is the most crucial step in the sales process – it will define the buyer’s understanding of the seller and the product. Let’s learn how to conduct a discovery call.

Join us as we provide an inside look into our Superpowers discovery call process. We filled this step-by-step strategy with unique tips and tricks that will improve your approach to your calls.

STEP ONE: Before the Call

1. Start with Purpose


Understand and articulate the purpose of your discovery calls upfront, and make sure those involved in the process are all on the same page.


Build your purpose with this one question:

What is the most important thing you want your prospective client to understand?


We want them to understand that in everything we do, our criteria for success is value added.


Our discovery calls should provide concrete value for each guest, but not every guest will be interested in our services. So the value we provide should not be contingent on someone buying into our service.


Entrepreneurs are busy. Their time is valuable, so we honor that time by providing impactful information that will make a difference in their lives.


  • Start by defining your purpose for conducting discovery calls
  • Prioritize providing each guest something valuable

2. Plan your Call Ahead of Time


General Preparation

Before conducting discovery calls, build out an outline. Make it as exact or simple as you need – just ensure it helps you feel prepared. Here is a potential general outline:

  1. Personal introductions
  2. Set the stage
  3. Ask questions
  4. Provide valuable information
  5. Close

Questions about how to conduct a discovery call


Guest-Specific Preparation

Having a general structure for your calls will help you streamline preparation for each new call, but it is also vital to do individual research each time.

Consider having a pre-established template you can fill out.  Have a place to note down their vision statement, any goals you can ascertain, and potential spots where your product or service will be valuable to them. This information is available through numerous online sources.

Here are a few to get you started:

  • Google Reviews
  • Glassdoor
  • LinkedIn
  • The client’s website
  • CrunchBase

Know your potential client well. It maximizes your ability to help and shows the client your investment in their success.

  • Establish a general outline beforehand
  • Be prepared to answer any questions and objections
  • Show your commitment by thoroughly researching each potential client

STEP TWO: During the Call

1. Introductions


We begin by introducing any team members involved in the call, mentioning their role in the company. This is an excellent time to briefly break the ice by using humor or referencing a personal connection.

We make a point to keep moving forward because we want to focus on understanding the guest’s needs and providing helpful information.

Here are a few helpful prompts for this step:

  • How do you know (referrer)?
  • Why did you agree to take this call?
  • Reference a potential common interest or background.

2. Set the Stage


Next, we move into a brief explanation of purpose. We want our prospective client to understand:

Who we are as a company.

We help them understand Superpower’s core values, what we stand for. The quality of the provider is as important as the quality of the product.

What we do.

This is the first step in casting a vision for how we can help.

What they can expect during the call.

Here, we clarify that we intend to show our service’s value, but more importantly, we want to provide them with valuable information.

  • Build rapport but quickly shift focus to them.
  • Briefly explain your company values. The provider is as important as the product.
  • Let them know upfront what to expect.

3. Ask Questions


Here is where the magic happens. During the discovery call, we focus our attention on the questions we ask. Remember, the focus of a great discovery call is not on selling a product. It is on providing value. We use a version of the D.O.S method by Strategic Coach, and we uniquely tailor it to benefit our potential clients.

The focus of a great discovery call is not on selling a product. It is on providing value.

The ultimate goal is to understand the potential client as much as possible. The more we can get them talking about their goals, values, and unique challenges, the more we can truly understand them.

Here are some pro tips:

Ask open-ended questions that will get them talking in detail. Avoid “yes” and “no” questions.

Ensure the conversation feels organic. Don’t run through the questions like a machine; use good communication habits.  Make a point to comment briefly on what they said, showing your understanding. Acknowledge points they made that may highlight a need for your product or service. (But don’t overdo this.)

Here are a few example questions:

  • What is your company’s current main goal? What obstacles are preventing you from reaching it?
  • Why are you considering (product/service)?
  • In a perfect world, what would your personal and professional life look like in ____ years?
  • What dangers like dropped balls or missed deadlines do you think are at risk without having the right help?
  • What opportunities do you think you may be missing because you don’t have the right help?

Strive to have them speak 80% of the time. While we want our clients to understand our service, it is also important that they understand we are there to help. Our priority is bringing value to our clients’ lives. We want our prospective clients to understand that not only is our product beneficial to them, but we are also concerned with their organization’s wellbeing.

While we want our clients to understand our service, it is our priority that they understand we are there to help.

In our discovery calls, we focus on finding our potential client’s Unique Ability, the skills which they love to do and excel at. These skills set the entrepreneur apart and power their company’s growth. We help our clients identify what is preventing them from spending time on their Unique Ability.

  • The focus of a great discovery call is not on selling a product. It is on providing value.
  • Ask open-ended questions, so you can fully understand your client’s needs
  • You want your clients to understand your service, but it is more important that they know you are there to help.

4. Provide Valuable Information


We have taken the time to listen to and understand the potential client. Now, we pivot to providing valuable information.

We provide information on the value of an Executive Assistant.

Here, we discuss how an Executive Assistant can help an entrepreneur by joining them in proactively taking on their vision. We explain what an Executive Assistant can do to keep the client in their unique ability.

We provide information on finding the right Executive Assistant.

More than simply making a pitch about the value of our service, we provide information that helps the potential client make an informed decision. We discuss:

  • How do I determine the value of an Executive Assistant to my company and me?
  • How do I determine if an Executive Assistant is compatible with my company and me?

We provide information after the discovery call.

This is an essential step. With consent from the guest, we create a recording and outline of the discovery call and offer it to them. We want to be confident they can glean as much knowledge from their time with us as possible.

key takeaways for how to conduct a discovery call

  • Provide valuable information. Not just about your product, but about your industry and how your potential client can make the best decision.
  • Provide them with a recording of the call for future reference

5. Close


You understand your guest’s needs, values, and goals, and they understand that you are invested in adding value to their life. Also, you have provided the guest with valuable information about your product and how they can make the best decision for themselves. Now you can close, confident that your guest understands you and your product:

Be intentional about providing an actionable next step.

Make it easy for interested guests to take the next step. During the call, clearly discuss what will actions will be taken.

Briefly summarize the product’s benefit to them.

Highlight pain points they have brought up and help them visualize how your product/service could make a difference.


Here is our vision for a discovery call:

We use our calls to provide valuable information, not make a sale.

We listen to our guest’s needs, design an ideal Executive Assistant, show the benefits of an Executive Assistant, and give the potential client all the tools to make the right decision. Even if Superpowers is not right for them, each guest leaves informed and ready to make the best decisions for their business. Are you interested in experiencing one of our calls? Sign up for a discovery call today.

Looking to improve your discovery calls? Here is our challenge on how to conduct a discovery call:

Focus on profoundly understanding your client. Ask questions. And prioritize providing actionable and valuable information.

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