“If you don’t have an assistant, then you are one.”
An entrepreneur said this not too long ago in one of my workshops. It was a pointed end to a great day of conversation and insight.
If I were to just spout this quote off, out of context, then you might quietly assume the person was arrogant, ignorant, or… kind of a jerk.
But if I told you that we spent a big part of the day discussing Unique Ability, you might have a different reaction to the statement.
When we work outside our Unique Ability, we deprive others of living in theirs. If we assume that assistant work is neither meaningful nor worth investing in, that might be the most arrogant (showing an offensive attitude of superiority) or ignorant (lacking understanding of the ROI on your time as a leader in your business, marriage, and home) thing we can do as a “visionary” leader.
Lead by delegating to your Executive Assistant and the others on your team.