Does Multitasking Actually Help You Get Ahead?
Does multitasking help? In our daily work, we handle numerous demands simultaneously, rarely focusing on a single task at a time. Multitasking is an often discussed, seldom solved plague of the modern information worker. The latest research indicates that the costs of constant task switching far outweigh the benefits. Problems with Multitasking A […]
Is Work From Home Here to Stay?
Working from home. The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed what was once inconceivable into a necessity to keep businesses operating. A Shift Towards Working From Home There has been a significant shift towards both men and women working from home. The number of U.S. remote employees increased from 17% to almost half of the […]
What is a Daily Bullet and How Can it Make Your Life Better?
Making that transition between working hours and personal time is particularly difficult for entrepreneurs. Before working with a Superpowers Assistant, many of our clients confess turning off their laptops at the end of the day is downright anxiety-inducing (if it happens at all!). They struggle with checking emails during family time, working late into the night, and mentally detaching from their work.
The Difference Between a Virtual Assistant and Executive Assistant
We often find entrepreneurs and executives alternating between “Virtual Assistant” and “Executive Assistant” when referring to the same person. But for us, this differentiation is a big deal.
Are You on the Field or on the Sidelines?
Ask anyone if they want to be “sidelined” and you’ll get a resounding “no.” Who wants to be out of the action or away from the chance to make a game-winning play?
But “staying on the field” is a mindset holding so many entrepreneurs back from effective delegation.
So You Have a New Personal Assistant. Now What?
We talk to hundreds of entrepreneurs every month, and all of them say the same thing: Finding great team members – and effectively onboarding them – is a serious challenge. This is especially true for roles that are infrequently filled, like an Executive Assistant. Here are some “Day One” strategies to get started with a […]