Are You Missing Out on Your Ideal Assistant?

entrepreneur thinks about the best way to hire an assistant

Finding your ideal assistant – For the longest time, leaders have worked alongside their in-office assistants, checking off to-do lists, building new initiatives, and growing their businesses. The best of these assistants fully embrace partnership.  They understand you fully.  They anticipate your wants and needs, identify and address your problematic habits, and protect you from distractions […]

Grow Your Business Faster. (With an Assistant)

Grow your business faster with an asssistant

You want to grow your business faster – and that makes total sense. As an entrepreneur, you invest your time and money in a business idea that may one day provide you with financial independence and freedom to live life on your terms. The sooner you reach a point of high ROIs, the faster you […]

The Benefits of an Executive Assistant

Benefits of an Executive Assistant

You’ve heard about Executive Assistants.  Is one a good fit for your organization?  What are the benefits of an Executive Assistant? Let’s talk about it… Increased Organization Stay on top of your responsibilities – No more dropped correspondences, forgotten commitments, and missed opportunities. An Executive Assistant can coordinate and organize your schedules, maintain your inbox, […]

How to Support Your Assistant

Picture how to make the most of your Executive Assistant

Your assistant supports you – they look out for your business and monitor your relational, emotional, and physical health. But how can you support your assistant?  How can you help them do their best at work and feel great doing it? Support You Can Provide:   1. Provide The Tools And Resources They Need   […]

How to Train Your Assistant. (Easy and Comprehensive)

How is superpowers different?

You are busy – and that’s why you are hiring an assistant.  You want a high-performing no. 2 to keep you organized and performing at your best. But like most entrepreneurs, you may feel you lack the bandwidth to give your assistant the comprehensive training they need to be that high-value member of your team. […]

Get More Done: 5 Ways to Leverage Your Assistant

virtual Executive Assistant

So you’ve hired an assistant – great!  An assistant helps you get more done with less time – if you use them wisely. Here are five strategies for maximizing your partnership with your assistant: 1.  Strengthen Your Communication Habits   Increase your efficiency with your assistant by increasing the efficiency of your communication. Connect Daily.  […]